Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Data Science: The Best Way to Power Your Career

The potential behind Data Science
Data Science has been listed as one of the best jobs of the present and coming times by leading organizations of the world. While Glassdoor puts it on the top among the twenty-five best jobs, Harvard University declares it as one of the sexiest jobs. As the technology industry has just realized the immense power of data which can be used for not only improving user experience and solving problems but to also make acute predictions, the demand of people who can work with this data has increased multiple folds.
What is Data Science?
Data science is the science of decoding the information inside the data and using it to solve business and real-life problems. The job of a Data Scientist includes asking questions; collecting and interpreting the relevant data; using certain engines, algorithms, and patterns for model development and machine learning; visualizing the finalized model; and lastly, deploying it in the production environment.
What do you get in the Data Science training?
In order to become a Data Scientist, the key requirements are a good grasp of mathematics, statistics and decision making. The most popular programming languages used are SQL, Python, R, etc. Hadoop is a very efficient framework for generating and processing data from open-source software consisting of networked computers. For analytics work, tools like Excel and R are beneficial, while Python is recognized as the strongest programming language for Machine learning. To organize and display the modeled data in the form of graph and charts, most widely used platforms are Tableau, Power bi, etc. The training program consists of more than 160 hours of on-demand video (lifetime access) plus 100 hours of rigorous project work along with a library on which numerous webinars are available. Placement assistance is also available to help potential employees in finding their dream jobs right after the training.

What are the career prospects and job opportunities?
Data is everywhere and is exploding at an exponential rate, yet the Data Science is presently in its infant stage. The need of Data Scientists is being felt not only in Information Technology industries like online entertainment, communications, e-commerce, social media etc but also in far-off industries like medical sciences, public health sector, transportation, aviation and logistics, finances, space explorations, etc. At every place where data is being generated, Data Scientists are needed.
The jobs available after learning Data Science are of data analytics, machine learning engineer, deep learning engineer, programmer, etc. Currently, the demand is high, but there aren’t enough professionals to do the job. Additionally, the perks and salaries are also high and there’s a great opportunity for fast career growth. These are the reasons why it has become one of the most sought out jobs worldwide.
Resource Box
If mathematics, statistics, analytical thinking and problem solving are what interest you, and if you want to elevate your career, then Data Science is the right option for you. Data science certification in Mumbai provides intensive training and placements to help you become tomorrow’s leader of the world. 

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