Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Analytics made easy with Data Science

For a company or a business to function correctly, there are many aspects. But all these require proper analysis of some sort of data. And not just in a company or a business, Analysis is required by us all in our decisions. We surely think before we take an actual decision. All this analysis and decision making process become easier if we actually have data to judge them. Here’s where data science can come in and help.

Data Science is the way of actually efficiently work out raw data into something that can be used for further use. All the data that we see around us is not all actually waste. They can actually be used to determine different trends and behavior in the market. These sets of data are actually being used by Data Scientists to determine the current scenario in the situation. Being a particularly new area to think of, it isn’t that popular among individuals. But the thing is that recently, there’s been many prospects on this ground. There is a great amount of need in terms of experienced professionals regarding this subject and here’s where completing such a course can really help you boost your resume and give a good career.
A regular Data Scientist has loads of work to do. Raw data sets have to be mined from the general web through appropriate techniques and methods. The mined Data has then to be checked for errors and then validation. Proper models are planned and the data is processed accordingly. All this is done as per the customer needs, which here can be any organization. Now a proper data model can really help in understanding the   circumstances and help decide the future.
Data Science courses all around you, serve you a lot of different types of things. Since there’s not a limit on how much you can learn in such an open topic, but still there are some basic things that you are going to learn in this course with us. Topics like Regression including linear and logistic parts, Data visualization and related topics, Decision tress, Clustering, Hypothesis Testing and regression models. For these the student also has to learn some tools and languages like R studio, Hadoop, Spark, PROC SQL, SAS Macros et cetera. These kits and languages are really necessary when it comes to Data science and analysis.
Such courses surely aren’t that cheap, but it’s because the fact that it really isn’t something that is readily available. Also good courses like these also actually make you learn by including capstone projects at the end of these courses. These Projects help you to actually implement what you have been learning side by side in order for a perfect balance of knowledge and skills. They also have connections with the actual professionals who can really help you out regarding Data Science and related stuff. A good course can take anywhere from 4 weeks to maybe 6 months or more.

Resource Box
Doing a data Science Course can really help change your life and shape your career. If you actually want it to happen then do select the best data science classes in Hyderabad that is offered in the country and reach new heights.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Excel R- For training to placement in the data analytics domain

Bangalore is called the silicon valley of India. It has offices of major MNCs like Apple, IBM, Google, Cisco,
Adobe, Accenture, and many more. More than 35% out of 2.5 million IT professionals are working in
Bangalore. There are more than 700 research and development centers of the top MNCs in Bangalore. It
has highly educated human resources. This makes Bangalore the best place to learn data analytics course.
The participants of the data analytics course get a certification of UNIMAS after successful completion of
the necessary exam. Data analytics helps to analyze data in a quantitative and qualitative manner in order
to draw logical conclusions and take meaningful decisions. Data analytics boosts current technologies like
artificial intelligence and machine learning. The data analytics course covers a huge number of topics in
detail related to the data analytics domain. These topics include data mining, collection, extraction,
cleaning, exploration, transformation, integration, feature engineering, prediction models, data
visualization, data modeling, data analytics tools, Tableau, R programming, Python programming language,
text mining, natural language processing, hypothesis testing, statistical analysis, Big Data, Hadoop and its
elements, predictive modeling, machine learning, deep learning, classifiers like decision trees, K nearest
neighbors, naive Bayes, random forest with bagging and boosting, hierarchical clustering, k-means
clustering, association rules, apriori algorithm, regression modeling, and more. The curriculum of the data
analytics course covers almost all the recent advanced technologies and tools needed in the field of data
analytics. It suits the professionals as well as freshers. Participants are also placed in MNCs like Accenture,
Infosys, IBM, VMWare, and more after a successful completion of the course.
The expert faculty of ExcelR are alumni of IIT, Bits Pilani, and more renowned institutes. Some of them
are pursuing their Ph.D. All of them have industrial experience of many years. This makes them the best
faculty for the course. They teach the participants the exact needs and requirements desired by the
industry. The course is available as per the participant’s convenience. The experts provide online classes as
well as recorded sessions. JUMBO passes are available which enables the participants to watch all the
recorded sessions by all the experts for one complete year as many times as needed.
The data analytics course covers a wide range of projects, covering real-life and real-time applications.
All these projects are interesting and solve various problems related to data analytics. The first project is to
identify illegal and fraudulent transactions in the trading of financial service insurance. It identifies and
formulates rules that can protect data and identify insider traders. The second project helps to predict the
deposits churn and reduce the risk of losing customers. It teaches how to make strategies to retain
customers, maintaining funds in deposits, predict most probable customer to churn, make business
strategies to segments of customers, predicting customers who will sustain funds and solutions to
challenges faced by banks.
The third project of data analytics course is about understanding the sentiment analysis performed on
Twitter’s unstructured data. This project is related to social media analytics. The genuine products and
manufacturers suffer due to fake reviews and opinions given by false customers as a part of an unhealthy
competition between brands. It drops the ratings of genuine products and companies go in loss. To save
such companies, the trends and interaction of the audience with the product through twitter is analyzed

and the proper decision is predicted. The fourth project is to study how to increase the click-through rate of
Ads posted on websites. It helps the companies enhance marketing strategies. It gives results such as how
many times your website is searched or appears in a search and how should you structure the first page.
The fifth project is again related to social media analytics. It analyses the political party representative’s
data. It helps to protect the citizens from the misguiding and false claims made by representatives during
election campaigns. The sixth project is human resource analytics. It is related to the retail organization. It
helps a company to select the best candidate for profiles based on the data and past employment history of
the candidate.
The seventh project is again related to the retail sector and deals with warranty claims. It will help to
understand the factors associated with warranty and predict the probability that a customer will file for
warranty. The eighth project is performance prediction for students and teachers. Mining techniques will
be applied to the educational data to identify hidden patterns and knowledge about the performance of
students and teachers. This will help to improve performance in the future by taking necessary corrective
The ninth project is related to student school dropouts. By predicting the student dropout in a particular
school, corrective actions can be taken to improve the quality of primary education. Project ten is making a
chatbot. Based on the data of consumer queries, a chatbot is built which will answer consumer questions
related to products and services just like a human.
Project 11 is related to business intelligence and reporting. It deals with gathering data from various
sources for generating a report and drawing meaningful insights, devising important business strategies.
Tableau will be used to visualize and process data in this project. Project 12 teaches the participants to
generate a single report, incorporating various departments. This is done with the help of security settings
on the server end.

Source :

Sunday, April 7, 2019


Science and technology have been made quantum leaps in recent decades. With such vast developments, our lives have become pretty simple.
Whenever, we switch to the YouTube, there are many recommendations as per our choice. While texting someone, the keyboard automatically shows the exact word which we want to type. Whenever, we search anything on Google, it shows the time taken to produce the results. In fact, we always see some advertisements on the Google page. Then, you can always see some suggestions of similar products which we are looking on Amazon, Myntra, Netflix etc. Even, on Facebook, we get friend suggestions based on the number of mutual friends.
Have you ever wondered how do all these happen within such a short span of time? Well, no? Then, here is the answer. Yes, the domain of data science is responsible for all these magic happening in our daily life. Though, these are petty things occurring in daily life, yet they play a vital role.
The field of data science must have become quite fascinating for you. Now, you must be thinking that what are the degrees required to become a data scientist. Though no special and certain degree is required, yet, almost all the data scientists are either master’s holders or PhD holders. After completing their higher educations, they take some courses on data science. The data scientists are found in almost all fields like mathematics, physics, artificial intelligence, logical reasoning, business, finance, machine learning, programming, statistics, data mining etc.
To become a data scientist, the technical skills of a person should be pretty strong. They should have good coding knowledge. It is always recommended to know any one of the programming languages accurately. These languages may involve Python, Java, Perl, C++, C, SQL, Pig etc.
In fact, machine learning is another field where the data scientists should be proficient. Most of the data scientists are not that good in topics like neural networks, survival analysis, computer vision and other related topics.
Since the amount of data to be dealt by a data scientist, and a data analyst is huge, they should also have in depth knowledge of data visualization. They should be able to visualize the data and translate them into a simple format that could be comprehended by common mass.
In companies, data scientists play an important role in fraud and risk detection. Due to the maintenance of huge data, it would become difficult for the organization to store such huge data. Sometimes, they could not even keep track of the lost data. Thus, these scientists take the responsibility of preventing the company from problems like debts, loans and losses.
In fact, data science is used in hospitals, airlines, health cares, human resources, automobiles, computer games, speech recognition, image recognition, digital advertisements, government policies, marketing, robotics and every other possible industry where the production  and storage of data in necessary.
The demand for data scientists is expanding exponentially. The number of data scientists produced each year is less than the number of scientists required.
If you want a secured job after the completion of your studies, then this is the best job. Though, you have to study a bit harder, yet the fruits are always sweet. Taking up an online data science course singapore from ExcelR will always be beneficial!   

Monday, April 1, 2019


Why Data Science?
Data Science is completely about the finding out about information that lies in the change of market values or trends and known numbers that don’t necessarily convey the message clearly enough. Consider a series of numbers about the number of people who visited a shop during a year. Now clearly this isn’t a very interesting study. But applying Data Science to these seemingly pointless set of facts and figures can yield a very powerful inference about the increase and decrease of market trends pertaining to different factors that might have affected the sales.
This is precisely what Data Science does. Mine information that lies in the general trends, facts, and figures. This information can now be used for the benefit of the companies or the firms that employ a Data Science Executive or a Data Scientist. It can be used to analyze various trends and form conclusions about them. It can now also be used to promote such trends that help the firm grow better as a business outlet and produce more income.
Clearly the importance of Data Science would now have dawned on you. Data Science has the potential to convert seemingly pointless information about general trends that go on anywhere and produce valid inferences about it that could help you transform the business to another level. It could change the whole aspect of your business and give it another boost.
You should also keep in mind the amount of digitization going on around the world and let me tell you something, IT is NOT going down a bit. If the rate of digitization is moving at any point, it is and will be moving forward and forward alone. This amount of digitization and conversion to the online world is creating nothing but a huge wide platform to share information. This huge cloud of information is for you to analyze and understand and form conclusions about as a Data Scientist.
Owing to this demand, Data Scientists are now in great demand. You do realize that converting a bunch of numbers into business worthy information is no small deal. That is where Data Science trainings come into play. Data Science may not be everyone’s piece of cake. It deals with a lot of computers and computer related stuff that might not easily interest you. Although, to those who are yet interested, a good career and a better job prospects await you. We help you achieve that goal in as easy a way as possible.
At the moment, the space between the demand for Data Scientists and the supply of Data Scientists is quite large enough for you to win big. Give the course a shot and who knows, businesses might be swarming over the place for a Data Scientist like you. This is the power of Data Science today. Don’t let it slip away. The sooner the better, as the demand (which is high at this moment) will soon reduce as the number of available Scientists go up).
Join the data science training in Pune from ExcelR and be among the first of the Data Scientists to be doing a Data Science Job.